Central Nebraska Home Builders Association is the voice for building industry professionals directing the way to defend and endorse housing, and uphold the dream of home ownership. CNHBA is a home builders association whose members are committed to ethical business practices, the highest construction standards, the education of our members and the community, and serve as the voice of the building industry.

Framed window of home under constructionThe Central Nebraska Home Builders Association is a local, professional, industry trade group supporting the residential construction industry serving central Nebraska's communities. Our members include home builders, remodelers, and other ancillary industry professionals who are committed to affordable housing in the Cornhusker State.

Aerial view of a residential neighborhoodIn cooperation with the Nebraska State Home Builders Association (NSHBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the Association advocates for residential homeowners, renters, and professional builder members at the local, state, and national levels. Efforts include lobbying for reasonable, economical laws, ordinances, regulations, codes, and standards to ensure the sufficient availability of reasonably priced, quality new homes and residential housing to meet the demand of the local market, now and in the future. As well as training, education, and professional development to members, industry professionals, and the public at large on important issues. Including but not limited to legislation, safety, codes, regulations, standards, new building products, techniques, professional skills, industry and economic trends.

NSHBA Rebates

In 2020 the average NSHBA Rebate was $1,495.13 for participating builders and remodelers. Over fifty participating manufacturers!

Upcoming ...


Washington D.C.
This is a unique opportunity for members to speak one-on-one with their elected representatives on Capitol Hill and to push for housing policies that will help their businesses and our industry.


11:00 AM
Indianhead Golf Club Grand Island, NE

 Housing Economics 

Knowledge is Power

Keeping up-to-date with economic trends, forecasts, and conditions in the residential construction industry, professional builders gain a competitive edge in the market and are well-positioned to take advantage of opportunities.

NAHB provides in-depth economic analysis of the issues and trends driving the housing industry.